Exclusive Webinar Series: Leverage ArcGIS Online & Autodesk InfraWorks to visualize, simulate, analyze & improve traffic conditions
This presentation will cover in detail the complete innovative workflow where true GIS vehicle congestion and accident data residing on a public or private portal is read to simulate, analyze and visually understand traffic congestion and safety on roads generated by multiple factors including excessive economic expansion, increased urbanization, underinvestment in infrastructure, inadequate traffic signal offsets, excessive lane closure extents during resurfacing/repair operations, etc.
Autodesk InfraWorks will then be used to replicate existing conditions and generate a series of cost/benefit proposals using microsimulation tools based on lane changing, gap-acceptance, car-following models helping city-traffic engineers and planners resolve the complexity of computing maximum vehicle queue lengths and delays at peak hours to significantly improve traffic conditions by providing the best possible Level of Service during operations minimizing impact and costs on road networks using current/projected vehicle-pedestrian demands.
Learn how to:
- Access live ArcGIS Online data & simulate real traffic conditions to import into Infraworks
- Leverage road geometry, lane configuration, turns, traffic signals & driving behaviors
- MicroSimulation to compute Queue Lengths, delays, Levels of Service & detailed traffic reports