The COVID-19 Impact on the AEC Community: Now What? – Industry Leader Panel


As the pandemic continues to evolve, but with a focus now on re-entry in our new normal, our panel of AEC experts will discuss how COVID-19 is expected to impact areas within AEC from projects and job sites, to resources and future requirements and how new and existing technology can help AEC firms better prepare for all of the change

  • What AEC firms are currently experiencing when it comes to projects as a result of COVID-19.
  • How to minimize the risk of job and project disruption.
  • Innovative technology to help reduce the spread of the virus while keeping projects moving forward.
  • How COVID-19 may impact project design in the future.
  • Why embracing automation is the path forward during this crisis for AEC firms.

Our expert panel includes Troy Gates, Director of Technology at U.S. CAD, Andrell Laniewicz, Senior Technical Specialist at U. S. CAD, Aaron Wagner, Solutions Consultant at U.S. CAD, and Marie Salcedo, Director of Marketing at U.S. CAD.