Little Known CAD Commands That Rock, Part 6
Each month in the Little Known CAD Commands That Rock series, I highlight some underused commands that I think have some pretty cool uses. Last month, I talked about DIVIDE and MEASURE, CLIPIT, JPGOUT, and model space view tips & tricks. In Part 6 of this series, the commands or settings I will discuss can be useful in all AutoCAD-based software.
The first command I will discuss is a setting called OSNAPOVERRIDE. Check out the video below to see how to use this setting.
Command #20: BPOLY
The next command I will discuss is the BPOLY command. Check out the video below to learn about some ways you can use this command.
Next, I will discuss the LAYLOCKFADECTL setting. Check out the video below to see it in action.
The last topics I will discuss are really for those of you who go back a bit with AutoCAD and want to revisit the good old days. These are the settings CLASSICLAYER, CLASSICXREF, and CLASSICIMAGE. Check out the video below.
So that’s it for part 6 of this series. Be sure to check back for any upcoming installments of this series as I will continue to find and discuss more commands that you might find useful.